Briar Hill Update

The past number of days have passed in a haze of anger, confusion, exhaustion. Endless rounds of vets, tears of disbelief and sadness. Our small team pulling together as always and supporting each other, all with a common goal and desperately willing horses to keep fighting.
Sadly 3 of the Briar Hill rescued horses have now given up the fight. We’re so angry, we tried so hard for them. No one has any idea of the lengths we went to to try and save them, we gave them every chance of survival. 24 hour care, did everything we could think of to encourage them to fight back just a little, but sadly in the end all we could do is comfort them and show them kindness.
To see horses give up is terribly sad, fall down before our very eyes is heart wrenching.
Little Sunbriar who fought all winter to keep herself and her little foal alive, little Sunbriar the most remarkable little mare, this girl not only tried to rear her foal from 2015 but also had Briar her foal from 2014 trying to feed from her. Sunbriar and Briar are now at peace. Sunbriar’s foal is now being reared by one of our volunteers.
Briar Rose was the first one to give up the fight, she was a little stronger and we clung to hope that she might have it in her to fight but she didn’t, she’d just had enough. Her help arrived too late.
Tonight we are sad, tomorrow we’ll probably be angry but one thing for sure is we won’t let these horses die in vain.

We never ever expected our post from last night to be shared so far and we thank each and every one of you that has offered help in some way or another.
We still need the support of the public, to keep up the treatment of the remaining Briar Hill rescued. But also to help us help the 10 still left on BRIAR HELL.

Briar Hill, Galway – Animal Hell (Graphic Content)

So we’ve been to Briar Hill again and uncovered even more carcasses of Ireland’s forgotten. We’d been previously warned of the mad scurry of horse boxes in the area the past number of days, efforts to remove horses before we got the rest. 10 left behind on site now, presumably the ones they left run wild and weren’t able to catch. To think this place is right beside a racecourse and beside it Ireland’s forgotten Horses rotting in to the ground.
This site is the stuff of nightmares, those who we managed to rescue are so weak it is horrifying, heart breaking and disgusting. We’ve already lost two of the rescued souls.

To see a mother so weak trying to rear her rack of bones foal and to see her yearling trying to feed from her too is more than disturbing it is gut wrenching, a little mare who has known nothing only horror but is so kind. Animals starved within an inch of their lives.
Briar Hell 3 will be underway next week and we’ll need an army of people to get the remaining 10 off it. This area is between 30-40 acres and the horses untouched, many won’t know what a bucket is, many will not have had any handling. We’ll need man power, donations of feed, headcollars and of course financial support if we are to make any difference to the unfortunate animals in this hovel and stop it’s reoccurring