Marty’s Misery
Yesterday, Hungry Horse Outside visited a site in Co. Monaghan following a complaint made by a member of the public concerned about the well-being and conditions a Shetland pony was being kept in. Upon arrival at the site, the team discovered an elderly Shetland pony, later named Marty, in an appalling condition. His hooves grossly neglected and overgrown. A case which clearly did not develop overnight.

It became apparent that he would need to be removed immediately and receive urgent treatment. After a little rearrangement of the day, we successfully removed him from the situation with the help of the relevant authorities.
Little Marty was taken directly to the vet for the immediate commencement of his treatment. There, x-rays were taken to assess the damage caused to him and a course of treatment decided. Fortunately, for Marty his future is starting to look bright.

After the vets had assessed him, he received farrier treatment to make him more comfortable, eventually at 9 pm last night, we were given the okay to bring Marty home, for the first time in god knows how many years, he slept comfortably on a big bed of straw, his belly full and looking a little relieved. This morning he is walking much better and is starting to feel more comfortable and brighter in himself.

To think in 2018, we’re still struggling with damn right ignorance, stupidity and neglect. There is no excuse for this behavior and absolutely no excuse for gross neglect. Perhaps, once upon a time little Marty was part of someones family, suddenly he’s surplus to requirements, he didn’t even mean enough to his so called owners to spend €20 euro to keep his hooves trimmed, absolute torture and indifference was chosen over adequate care.
Perhaps, an old man like Marty wasn’t worth the effort, he had no monetary value, so why bother? It’s not a good enough excuse to leave him suffer the way he did. We’ve heard all the excuses and they just aren’t good enough. We want change.
We need to thank all parties involved for their quick action, from the authorisation, to the vets and the farrier for priortising Marty.
As it stands Marty will need all the support he can get, his rehabilitation is only beginning.
If you would like to donate towards Marty’s care you can click the link below. We can’t continue to help without your support.
or Via Bank
Bank Name: Ulster Bank Longford
Bank Address: Main Street, Longford
Bank Account No: 10753576
Sort Code: 98-60-30
IBAN: IE49ULSB98603010753576