The story of a little girls life, born to be abused and unloved. How sad that little Bella has suffered so terribly for so much of her life. A pony, we’re sure would have been a child’s best friend, a valued member of the family, to get stuck in a viscous cycle of neglect and human incompetence.
Bella’s Hoove’s hacked in a DIY botch job
Bella’s life started with neglect which resulted in her being impounded in 2009 and it almost ended with horrendous neglect. Here at HHO we tortured ourselves all day yesterday, all night last night, we all shed tears, we all voiced anger, shouting at each other about how unfair this girls life was. we dug and dug for answers. We had braced ourselves to hear the worst and to give her the first ounce of dignity she has ever been shown. We decided, she’d never see pain again.
There is now a Ray of Hope for this once forgotten little girl.
A good friend of ours said to us yesterday as we were torn between two decisions “She’s with you now, whatever the result for her, you can be assured that’s the last of her suffering”.
We woke up this morning in a daze, Bella still on our minds, prepared to hear the worst from the professionals. Only to hear that she has a chance of survival and living a life pain free, with professional and regular care. She’ll need specialist attention, she’ll need regular farrier treatments, she’ll need regular veterinary care and until her treatment is over she’ll need correct pain management and there is a good chance she can live out her life normally. Wow! We’ve seen cases like Bella before, only a fraction of whom could be saved. Maybe she is meant to be, maybe she was meant to come to us, who knows but we’re fighting and she’s fighting.
Bella has an infection in both her feet, she is also quite underweight(fluffy coat), she’ll be seeing the vet again on Monday and has been administered pain killers and all sorts of concoctions for infection, she has been fitted with a poultice and some shoes on both her hooves.
Bella’s road to recovery is long and we’re willing to help her every step of the way but we’re calling on you to help us help her. Bella’s care in just over 24 hrs has been 300 euro. We don’t expect it to continue at that per day but they will be consistent and constant.
We’ve been advised after the initial pain has subsided that we switch her from bute to a buteless pain killer a natural alternative as it will be easier for her little system to cope with and will have no side effects, these cost 21.50 per syringe.
Can you help us help her? Please donate to her care!
Just click the link: